Catholic Life

Each Year Group has a charity that they engage with during the year

Early Years  Zoe's Place
Year 1  The Dog's Trust
Year 2  Alder Hey Children's Hopsital 
Year 3  The Big Help Project
Year 4  Marie Currie 
Year 5  Liverpool Whitechapel
Year 6 Macmillan Cancer Research 





We joined in the Good Shepherd Mass June 2022 after raising £1000.

Cathedral Good Shepherd x2 2022.jpg


Lent 2022

Take a few minutes to listen to our Lenten slideshow below

/uploads/495/files/Lent x 5 days wk 1.pptx


 Spirituality Award


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Macmillan Coffee Mornings                           Good Shepherd 

Good Shepherd Schools Appeal 2020 - Nugent



     Spirituality Days                  CAFOD                 Season of Creation                              

Spirituality day 2a.jpg

cafod.jpgSeason of Creation




Chirst Centred Aim - Believe


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Teaching and Learning Aim - Achieve


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Community Aim - Belong


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St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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