Breakfast Club/ School Meals/ Snacks/ Wrap Around Care


 Breakfast Club

Open daily from 8:00 a.m.
Cost £2.50 per session, per child.This  includes  a selection of breakfast choices.
Parents can choose on a daily basis when their child/children attend.

Please email [email protected] or [email protected] out of hours.

The session also includes a vsriety of activities includes:
– art and craft/ team games/IT skills/yoga

Wrap around care is available from Rainbows which is located within Millbrook School.

Children are brought to Nursery and school daily. For costs and arrangements please see Mrs Davies (a.m.) or Mrs Elder (p.m.) at Reception. 


School dinners are provided by DNS

 Paper copies of the menu are   available from Admin staff Mrs Doyle (a.m.) or Mrs Elder (p.m.).

School dinner money (£2.10 per day)should be paid each week by Friday.Parents must use Parent Pay to pay for lunches online at their convenience.

We have themed days which are always good fun. Our cook Mrs Jones is great ! She cooks super sonic sized Yorkshire puddings!

She also makes great Christmas Lunches!



Early Years children are provided with fruit each day along with milk or water. There is also a £1 contribution for additioanl healthy snacks each week.

Early Years are also proveded with milk each day.

Year 1 and Year 2 children are provided with fruit.


Tuck Shop

Currently during COVID restrictions we do not have a Tuck Shop.

Pupils will bring their own snacks.

We hope to have the Tuck Shop open as soon as possible.

The Junior tuck shop is run by the Year 6 children and Mr Lewis. They sell a variety of snacks including cheese, fruit and water.

The money raised by the Tuck Shop is used to provide awards throughout the year.



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St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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