Your Views

Eco Google Questionnaire

You responded with your views. You would like more lessons and information on:

Healthy Living

Water Waste




Relationship, Sex and Health Education

You respnded with your views.

You would like children to learn about:

How to stay safe online.

Learn about personal space and personal body space.

Respectful relationships and friendships.




We were delighted to receive so many Reading Questionnaires returned from families.

There were many positive comments and even more super suggestions for engaging our children and families further in their LOVE of reading.

Please go to the Reading section of the Curriculum area for more information. Some of the suggestions are noted below.

You asked us to……..

Reward children for super home reading.

So we…..

Introduced a “Reader of the Week Award.”

You asked us to……..

Have more variety of adults for children to listen to read.

So we…..

Have more afternoons when children swap classes and read with other staff members.

You asked us to……..

Improve our school library.

So we…..

Asked the Governors to give us the funds to upgrade our library ready for Sept 2016.

Meet the Teacher

Meet the teacher week gave families the opportunity to discuss what they would like the school to provide for their children.


Parent Afternoon

Vitual Open Afternoons, we talked about:

Online learning and mental health and wellbeing.

You asked us to……..

Help parents and children to enjoy reading more.

So we…..

Gave time for parents, staff and pupils to read together after school.

You asked us to……

Put weekly hot lunch menus on the newsletters.

So we..

List the next weeks lunch menu in he newsletters.

You asked us to……..

Help working parents/carers to attend children’s Sports Days in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

So we..

Have all Sports Days on the same day a.m. and p.m.

You asked us to……..

Make sure that all parents/carers get the weekly newsletters.

So we….

Continue to put newsletters onto our website but we also send newsletters home via email.

You asked us to…

Prevent children getting wet in rainy mornings.

So we…

Open school early when the weather is poor (8:45 a.m.).

You asked us to….

Give parents and carers more information about topics that children are learning about.

So we…

Send curriculum booklets home each half-term. The booklets are also put onto the website.

You asked us ……

Consider working parents when planning workshops and courses.

So we……

Arrange courses and workshops at different times of the day or remotely.

You asked us to ….

Help parents and carers to understand social media.

So we…..

Put on workshops and assemblies. Sent  home-school agreements and online safety booklets and films uploaded to the website.

You asked us to…

Asked for help with maths homework.

So we…

Had after school homework sessions for families.

You asked us to ……..

Extend the variety of extra-curricular activities.

 So we…

Involve more children with learning musical instrument, photography and fencing lessons.

St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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